Box hill house fire under control

Fire Rescue Victoria has responded to several calls to triple zero (000) reporting smoke issuing from a unit in Thames St, Box Hill this afternoon.

Friday 27 November 2020 at 4:40 am

Firefighters were dispatched to the scene just before 3:40pm, and arrived at the unit complex within just three and a half minutes.

Initial responding crews noticed smoke and flames issuing the unit, and called in for extra resources and an escalated response.

Wearing breathing apparatus for protection from the smoke, firefighters worked to extinguish the fire and prevent any fire spreading to the neighbouring units.

Thankfully, an internal search conducted of the property confirmed there were no occupants in the building at the time of the fire.

The incident was declared under control within 20 minutes of the crews’ arrival.

FRV crews will remain on scene to ensure the fire is completely extinguished and to investigate the cause of the fire.

At the height of the fire there were approximately 34 firefighters on scene on board 10 firefighting appliances, including a rescue and two aerial units.

Victoria Police were also on scene managing traffic flow in the local area.
