Bushfire Education for Schools

The Bushfire Education website was established by the Victorian Government as part of the response to the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission.

It provides teaching and learning resources to support bushfire education for primary and secondary schools, based on the four themes of learning about, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from bushfires.

The aim of the Bushfire Education website is to better prepare all young Australians for the challenges of living in a country that regularly experiences bushfires.

While the central focus of the website is about bushfires the material also covers fire behaviour, fire safety, and other types of fires such as grass and coastal fires.

The Bushfire Education website was developed by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) with assistance from the Country Fire Authority (Victoria), Emergency Management Australia, and the Metropolitan Fire Brigade (Melbourne).

To access education modules, lesson plans and other resources visit Bushfire Education.
