Crews battle Lower Templestowe blaze

Tuesday 3 October 2023 at 9:03 pm

Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) firefighters spent the early hours of this morning battling a house fire in Lower Templestowe.

Crews were called to the double storey home in Lowan Avenue about 3.30pm and arrived to find it in flames.

Initial reports received suggested that the home was abandoned.

Firefighters attacked the fire from outside whilst protecting neighbouring properties which were under threat from the blaze.

A Community Advice message was issued due to the amount of smoke in the area.
The house was destroyed in the blaze.

Due to the extensive damage to the structure, firefighters have not yet been able to enter the building however it's believed there were no occupants.

The fire was declared under control at 4:21am, 45 minutes after firefighters arrived on scene.

The cause of the fire is yet to be determined and Fire Investigators will attend the scene this morning to investigate.

Victoria Police and Ambulance Victoria also attended.
