Crews bring Croydon house fire under control

Friday 30 September 2022 at 5:24 am

Fire Rescue Victoria crews responded to a house fire in Croydon following a call to Triple Zero (000) just after 1:40 pm.

Crews arrived at the Bambra Street scene within seven minutes to find smoke issuing from the roof and immediately escalated the response.

Crews quickly determine established that all occupants had evacuated safely.

Wearing breathing apparatus, firefighters entered the building and attacked the blaze, bringing the fire under control by 2:06 pm.

The 10m x 20m single storey brick veneer home was heavily involved by fire and has sustained severe structural damage.

The City of Maroondah Building Surveyor will attend to assess the structural damage with FRV Fire Investigators currently on scene to investigate the cause.

Victoria Police and Ambulance Victoria also attended the scene to support FRV operations.
