Factory fire in Sunshine

Several calls were made to Triple Zero (000) this afternoon just before 2:50pm, reporting smoke and flames coming from the front of a factory on Second Avenue in Sunshine.

Thursday 22 October 2020 at 3:48 am

FRV appliances arrived on scene to find the single storey brick building totally involved in fire.

Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus fought the fire from the outside by surrounding the building with water lines.

The building was at risk of collapse, and crews initially had difficulty gaining access however were able to commenced an internal search shortly after.

Thankfully no one was located inside, and the factory is believed to be vacant.

The fire was declared under control approximately 25 minutes after crews received the first call.

There were ten appliances attending at the height of the incident, including rescue and aerial crews.

Firefighters believe the fire is suspicious and have handed the scene to Victoria Police for further assessment.

Ambulance Victoria was also on scene assisting with firefighter welfare.
