Fire in Melbourne CBD lift shaft

Wednesday 18 November 2020 at 9:31 am

Approximately 32 firefighters responded to a fire in a building in Melbourne’s CBD on Wednesday evening.

A fire indicator panel alerted FRV crews to the incident on Spencer Street just after 6:20pm.

Firefighters arrived on scene in four minutes to find a fire in a lift shaft area on the 54th floor of the building, which was under construction.

Wearing breathing apparatus, firefighters worked quickly to contain the fire and knock it down.

The building was evacuated and one person was transferred into the care of Ambulance Victoria paramedics.

Firefighters declared the incident under control just after 7:30pm and deemed the cause to be accidental.

Crews remained on scene to ensure it was safe and ventilate other floors of the building that had become smoke-logged.

Victoria Police assisted FRV crews on scene.
