Firefighters battling structure fire in Preston

Sunday 28 January 2024 at 4:10 am

At 2.22PM, Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) responded to an incident in Wilcox Street Preston after a caller to Triple Zero (000) reported a house fire.

Firefighters arrived on the scene in six minutes to find a fire at the rear of a double fronted weatherboard residence threatening a neighbouring house.

Two structures at rear of the house, including a cubby house and a shed are totally involved with fire.

Firefighters in breathing apparatus are working to contain the fire to the shed and cubby so as not to impact the house.

A Community Warning for ‘Smoke in the Area’ has been issued.

In addition to the shed at the rear, a playground bench connecting 43 and 45 Wilcox Street is burning.

Firefighters have requested gas and power company and a building surveyor from Darebin Council to attend the scene.

Firefighters remain on the scene.


Update 3.40PM

The occupant of the bungalow was woken by his dog barking. Both evacuated safely with no injuries.

The fire was declared Under Control at 3.29PM.

The 15M x 5M bungalow at the rear of the property has been destroyed.

Victoria Police are on the scene.
