Firefighters quick on scene to Sunshine North factory fire

Monday 4 April 2022 at 9:03 pm

More than 30 FRV firefighters responded to a factory fire in Sunshine North in the early hours of Tuesday morning, following multiple reports to Triple Zero (000) just before 4am.

Crews arrived at the Annastasia Way scene within four minutes to find significant smoke billowing from the roller door of the factory.

Wearing breathing apparatus, firefighters forced entry into the factory to access the fire.

Firefighters then worked together to attack the blaze, removing large sheets of plaster to locate the seat of the fire and contain it to the roof space of the building.

The fire was declared under control at approximately 4:55am, nearly an hour after first crews arrived on scene.

Firefighters believe the fire may have started under suspicious circumstances and have handed the scene to Victoria Police to investigate.

Ambulance Victoria paramedics also assisted FRV at the scene.
