Firefighters rescue young girl trapped by leg in swimming pool

FRV crews were called to Coburg North this afternoon after a seven-year-old became trapped by her leg in a swimming pool.

Sunday 13 December 2020 at 4:21 am

FRV firefighters including a specialist Rescue appliance arrived to the Murray Road address just before 2pm.

Crews quickly set about determining a way to free the girl, who was stuck by her knee in a tiled gutter around the outside of a pool, thankfully with her head above water.

Firefighters worked carefully alongside Ambulance Victoria and carefully broke the tiles around the gutter to release the girl’s leg.  

Crews managed to free the girl at around 2:15pm, and she was handed into the care of paramedics.

Firefighters, paramedics, and the pool’s life guards worked together seamlessly throughout the delicate operation.  
