Firefights tackle Footscray house fires

Tuesday 12 April 2022 at 1:27 am

Firefighters responded to a series of house fires in Footscray following multiple Triple Zero (000) calls just before 5 am on Tuesday morning.

FRV crews arrived to the first incident in less than five minutes to find two single storey weatherboard houses ablaze.

Firefighters quickly tackled the blaze, with one home sustaining significant damage but crews were able to limit damage to the second home.

Residents of a neighbouring nursing home were advised to close all doors and windows due to the amount of smoke in the area.

It is believed the houses were vacant and the fire was declared under control at 05:36 am.

Shortly before 5:30am multiple triple zero calls were received for a separate house fire a short distance away from the first incident.  

Additional crews responded and arrived to find a single storey weatherboard house well alight. It is believed this house was also vacant at the time of the fire.

Firefighters attacked the blaze and the fire was declared under control at 06:09am.

A community advice warning was issued for smoke in the area and both incidents have been deemed as suspicious and will be investigated by Victoria Police.
