FRV firefighters deploy to NSW floods

Twenty-two Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) firefighters have deployed to the floods in NSW to assist partner agencies with the emergency response.

Monday 22 March 2021 at 11:23 pm

Fire Rescue Commissioner Ken Block said 16 Swift Water Rescue specialists were being deployed to Bega and Moruya, along with three incident management staff who would be assisting in Bankstown and Goulburn.

“FRV’s Swift Water Rescue firefighters will be utilised to perform rescues, evacuate people and animals, deliver supplies and provide emergency care,” Commissioner Block said.

“These highly skilled specialists have extensive experience and training and can perform complex rescues in waterways, including pulling people from fast-moving water.”

“They will assist our interstate colleagues to help keep people safe during this dynamic situation.”

Commissioner Block said FRV had also deployed three four-wheel drive vehicles and additional firefighters to be used by FRV crews, equipped with specialist rescue gear to enhance local capacity.

In addition, FRV’s incident management staff would help co-ordinate rescue efforts from local control centres, while staff in Melbourne would provide support remotely.

Commissioner Block praised the efforts of NSW emergency responders for their efforts keeping the community safe.

“Our interstate emergency services have done an outstanding job so far in difficult circumstances,” Commissioner Block said.

“FRV is always ready to assist our interstate colleagues during large-scale emergencies such as this one.

“We work as one and our thoughts are with the people of NSW during this difficult time.”
