High Angle Rescue team despatched to Reservoir

Friday 28 May 2021 at 6:58 am

Sixteen firefighters, including a High Angle Rescue Technicians (HART) team, responded to an incident in Reservoir at 2.25pm this afternoon.

FRV crews responded to the Liston Avenue incident after a caller to Triple Zero (000) reported that a person was injured on a work site.

Crews arrived on scene within six minutes to discover the person on scaffolding approximately 15 metres off the ground.

Ambulance Victoria paramedics attended to the person whilst FRV’s HART specialists set up a system to retrieve the patient.

Firefighters used rescue rope lines attached to strong anchor points to safety extricate the person on a stretcher, and lower them to the ground.

Once safely on ground, firefighters transferred the person into the care of Ambulance Victoria paramedics who transported them to hospital.

Worksafe and Victoria Police also attended.
