Swift response to Bell Park house fire

Friday 22 December 2023 at 12:50 am

At 11.14AM, Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) along with Country Fire Authority (CFA) responded swiftly to house fire in Bell Park following multiple calls to Triple Zero (000).

Callers reported seeing flames issuing from the single-storey brick property. People were seen in the backyard and neighbours were trying to extinguish the fire with a garden hose.

Six crews arrived on scene in five minutes to find the house fully involved with fire. An FRV HAZMAT unit was requested.

All residents evacuated and have been accounted for. Ambulance Victoria was requested to assess a male patient.

Firefighters with breathing apparatus worked together to extinguish the fire. 

The double garage of the property has been severely damaged and is threatening to collapse. A neighbouring property has also sustained minor damage.

The fire was bought Under Control at 11.46AM.

Victoria Police are on scene and a building surveyor has been requested.

